Asian Chicken Sticky Rice Broth with Coriander and Ginger

I have been watching Street Food programs on Netflix which prompted this creation. It was very simple to make and so delicious. The only downside is that there was not enough broth for second helpings so maybe if you have some chicken stock already made, add it half way through poaching the chicken by which time the stock will have reduced to make space.


1 free range or organic chicken
1 finger length of fresh ginger, chopped (no need to peel)
a few Coriander stalks
Greens (I found some Asian greens which are preferable, but in their absence, use Rainbow Chard, fine green beans, Bok Choi)
2 handfuls of coriander
1 red chilli
4 cloves garlic
1 tsp fish sauce
1 cup of sticky rice which has been soaked in water for two hours.

1. Place the chicken in a large casserole dish. Cover with water and add the ginger and coriander.
2. Bring the chicken and water to a simmer and cover with a lid. Simmer for an hour to an hour and a half, depending on the size of the chicken.
3. While the chicken is poaching, drain the rice and place in a sieve over a pan of simmering water. Place a lid on top of the sieve. Simmer for half an hour or until the rice is cooked through. Allow the rice to rest until you are ready to serve, still sitting on the pan of water but off the heat.
4. Remove the chicken from the heat and place it on a board to rest.
5. Drain the broth and dispose of the ginger and coriander stalks.
6. Set the broth aside in a clean pan, ready to re heat before serving.
7. Blend a handful of coriander, stalks and all, with garlic and fish sauce so that you have a smooth dressing.
8. In a wok fry up some chopped greens with a little salt.
9. To serve, place a spoonful of rice in a bowl and top with chicken broth, followed by greens, chicken and the coriander dressing you have made. Top with chilli and fresh coriander leaves.


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